Stress to Serenity Masterclass

Registration Page

“I specialize in empowering spiritually and holistically minded professional women entrepreneurs and leaders to move from struggling with stress, anxiety or depression to experiencing a greater sense of balance and fulfillment.”

– Antoinette Engelke, HHP

Masterclass 1 is a Prerequisite for Masterclass 2

Masterclass 1 (10am):

Reconnect with Your Heart

Discover Powerful Breathing Techniques

Reconnect with your heart’s wisdom.

Release tension and stress, restoring serenity within

Explore Emotional Awareness

Define and understand your feelings.

Gain control over emotional responses.

Prevent Overwhelm and Exhaustion

Stop the draining cycle of depletion.

Build resilience and recharge your inner battery.

Empower Yourself

Heart-focused tools you can use anytime, anywhere.

Experience peace even during your busiest moments.

Masterclass 2 (12pm):

From Brain Fog to Brilliance

Rediscover Your Inner Vitality

Reconnect with Your Inner Passion and Energy

Enhance Memory with Emotional Intelligence

Explore Heart-Brain Coherence

Activate your relaxation response

Respond with grace and mental clarity

Discover the Clarity-Emotion Connection

Stimulate your creative thinking and problem
solving skills

Make better decisions with greater precision

Cultivate empathy, resilience and well-being

Building Stronger Relationships

Learn essential resilience skills to thrive

Life and learning is more fun together!

Just $97 – Bring a Friend for FREE!



November 18, 2023

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